pp108 : Creating New Virtual Directories

Creating New Virtual Directories

This topic describes the procedure to create a new virtual directory.

When FrontPage extensions are not available on the computer, you can create new virtual directories. Virtual directories must be created for wcpdev and cordysguest.

  1. Click Start > Run and type inetmgr then press ENTER. The Internet Information Services window appears.
  2. Navigate to <local computer name> > Web Sites > <Web site> .
  3. Right-click <Web site> and click New > Virtual Directory. The Virtual Directory Creation Wizard is displayed.
  4. Type wcpdev in the Alias field, and click Next. The Web site content directory window is displayed.
  5. Click Browse and select the path of the wcpdev folder and click Next. The Access Permissions window is displayed.
  6. Select the Write and Excecute check boxes, and click Next. A summary of the virtual directory is displayed.
  7. Click Finish.
  8. Navigate to <local computer name> > Web Sites > <Web site> .
  9. Right-click <Web site> and click New > Virtual Directory. The Virtual Directory Creation Wizard is displayed.
  10. Type cordysguest in the Alias field, and click Next. The Web site content directory window is displayed.
  11. Click Browse and select the path of the anonymous folder and click Next. The Access Permissions window is displayed.
  12. Select the Write and Excecute check boxes, and click Next. A summary of the virtual directory is displayed.
  13. Click Finish.
    The new virtual directories are created.

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